The Division of Education provides rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities for teacher candidates so that they may become ethical educators, civic-minded citizens, school and community leaders and life-long learners. The Division of Education also offers sport science degrees for students who would like to pursue physical or occupational therapy graduate programs or opportunities in fitness or sport coaching.
Education programs at Tusculum University adhere to the requirements and guidelines established by the Tennessee State Board of Education (TSBE) and the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE).
The Division of Education annually surveys its teacher preparation program completers and the instructional leaders of schools who employ them to determine their satisfaction with the preparation they received at Tusculum University. Please click on the button below to view a summary of the data.
Modifications in initial and advanced education programs and curriculum may occur as the result of TSBE or TDOE actions and regulations. Tusculum University reserves the right to revise academic programs as deemed necessary to meet accrediting and approval criteria.