In May 2019, the SLO Oversight Committee revised annual assessment reports. The revised report records assessment activities in a five-column format. Columns 1 through 3 comprise the planned institutional effectiveness activities for the cycle and include the student learning outcomes, the methods of assessment for each outcome, and the steps identified to improve student learning as a result of reviewing assessment results from the prior cycle. Using the following figure as a reference, under the 2018-19 Institutional Effectiveness Cycle, the Action Steps column (Column 3) describes those steps (curricular or pedagogical/course revisions, etc.) that were identified while reviewing assessment results from the 2017-18 cycle. Likewise, under the 2019-20 Institutional Effectiveness Cycle, the Action Steps column (Column 3) describes those steps (curricular or pedagogical/course revisions, etc.) that were identified while reviewing assessment results from the 2018-19 cycle.Annual Reporting

Assessment data and analysis of the results from activities occurring during the cycle are reported in columns 4 and 5. Column 4 describes what the assessment results indicate about student learning and whether students are performing at the desired level. Column 5 describes the steps faculty believe will increase student learning in the coming year and the actions (revisions) to be implemented in order to achieve the increase.