Student Learning Outcome 3: Employment Readiness
Students will develop a professional résumé/CV relevant to their chosen career path.
To address this section of SLO 3, students will be given an assignment to complete a professional résumé/CV as a mechanism by which to clearly communicate their skills and experiences to potential employers or graduate/professional school admission committees. Instructors will introduce tailored requirements for the résumé/CV and cover letter based on the students’ chosen career path/content area.
Imperative Résumé Building
Seniors in their capstone/senior seminar courses will learn how to craft a résumé/CV aligned to their chosen career path. The course that houses the assignment was chosen by program faculty and is designated as a “Pioneer Ready” course. In this course, a résumé assignment will evaluate how well students have mastered the skills of writing a strong résumé/CV tailored to their chosen career
By embedding a résumé review requirement in a senior-level course in each major, all graduates will create a résumé/CV prior to entering the job market or applying for a graduate/professional program. Additionally, field experts, those professors who teach and have experience in the content area, will be the reviewers of the résumés/CVs, applying their career-specific lens each review. Providing opportunities for students in all programs to undergo a résumé review through a course requirement will strengthen the employment readiness of Tusculum graduates.
Student Learning Outcome 4: Employment Readiness
Students will demonstrate interview skills necessary for their chosen career path.
The Interview Instruction Assignment targets students in their senior year where they will learn strategies for completing a professional interview. The designated senior seminar/capstone or upper-level major course will deliver instruction on interview skills and an initial assessment of learning will occur. In addition, individual colleges will conduct mock interviews on an annual basis, allowing students to participate in mock interviews tailored to their discipline.
Mock Interview Opportunities
Students will be encouraged to participate in the “Mock Interview Week” during their final year in college. Interviewers will include members of the local business community and alumni to provide students with the opportunity to undergo job/career-specific interviews. Each participating student will be interviewed by a professional within their field and then evaluated using the Mock Interview Rubric, which will provide feedback to students about how well they demonstrated interview skills in an environment tailored to their chosen career, graduate school, or professional school.