Division of Math & Science

Degree programs within the Division of Math & Science aim to help students to learn the skills, techniques, and abilities to engage in science and math careers.  A foundation of our curriculum is the application of knowledge with a focus on problem solving, critical thinking, and communication.

B.S. in Mathematics
Concentration in Mathematics Education 6-10
Concentrations in Mathematics Education 6-12

B.S. in Computer Science
Concentration in Information Technology
Concentration in Software Engineering

B.S. in Biology
Concentration in Pre-Medical, Dental, and Veterinary

B.S. in Chemistry
Concentration in Pre-Pharmacy

B.S. in Environmental Science

Pearson teachingWelcome to the Division of Math & Science!

We appreciate your interest in the programs of the Division of Math and Science, and we hope your experience with Tusculum University is overwhelmingly positive. A core part of our mission as an institution is to ensure your education is active and experiential; our faculty are master teachers not merely because they have all kinds of understanding of computational and scientific disciplines, but because they understand that students learn these disciplines by their experience with them. The modern Meen Center for Science and Mathematics provides a wonderful location for doing this work, and students in the biological and environmental sciences benefit from the natural resources of East Tennessee.

We want you to be prepared regardless of steps you will choose to follow after your four years here. Some of our students move to the work force immediately upon graduation, and we are actively engaged in preparing those students in a way that maximizes their career readiness. In addition, we support students preparing for professional school in the health professions, as well as students with strong academic interest in pursuing graduate education in one of our disciplines.

I keep an open lab on the main floor of the Meen Center, in Meen 114, and I work to maximize my availability to current and prospective students alike. Your future path is important to me, and I’d love to have the chance to talk to you about it; feel free to contact me by email (cpearson@tusculum.edu) or phone (423-636-7300, ext. 5332) to set up your appointment.

With Pioneer Pride,
Chuck Pearson
Assistant Dean of Math and Science