
Students must register for either BUSN 252 (non-business majors) or BUSN 352 (business majors) course for the Spring semester. (This course meets the Tusculum University College of Business service learning requirement).

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to help the student: become competent in the application of federal income tax law as it pertains to the individual, acquire the ability to interview clients in order to understand their particular federal income tax needs, and apply the correct tax law to each client’s situation.

Three semester hours

Students will complete 2 sections of the course.

Section one: Instruction in Internal Revenue Service tax law and forms, Link and Learn application, interview techniques, and Tax Slayer operation.

Section two: Application of these skills in the free preparations for the community of tax returns at community sites.

Site Information:

Tusculum University TU

Jonesborough Public Library WCPL

Westminster Presbyterian Church WPC

To contact VITA:

Dr. Harold Branstrator


The VITA Program meets on the Greeneville Tusculum campus in the Meen Center, 001. Dates and times available by clicking the “What to Bring” button, located in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen, and then selecting the  Sign Up Now button