Tusculum University’s Students of Concern Assistance Team (SOCAT) supports students who may be experiencing a time of difficulty, distress, or whose behavior is of concern to others.

TU SOCAT was implemented to provide support to students to minimize the impact of stressors, issues, or behavioral concerns.

SOCAT is a multi-disciplinary campus team and includes representatives from Student Affairs, Student Support Services, Academic Affairs, Counseling, Athletics, and is chaired by the Dean of Students.

The main purpose of SOCAT is to offer and provide support, intervention, guidance, and referrals to outside resources to students experiencing difficulty. The goal is to help students resolve issues that may present barriers to academic success, avoid more significant difficulties, and ensure safety for both the student and the Tusculum University Community.

Any member of the campus faculty or staff can submit a referral through the link below.

You will receive a response acknowledging your referral and the team will address the referral within 48 hours.

If you have not received a response acknowledging your referral, please contact the Dean of Students at