Executive Assistant to the President
Email: kcollins@tusculum.edu
Direct Line: 423-636-7300 ext. 5301
Campus Phone: 5301
Campus Mail: P.O. 5048
Office: McCormick H101
Department: President's Office
Campus or Site Location: Greeneville
Kim Collins, Executive Assistant to the President
Kim joined Tusculum in 2007 and has nearly 10 years of experience in advancement, development, fundraising and alumni relations at Tusculum University. She currently serves on the University’s Cabinet, helping to provide primary leadership support for strategic priorities and initiatives, for the institution. Kim quickly developed a deep passion for the nuances of fundraising activities and the opportunities to engage and connect with the University’s alumni, benefactors and other donors, and the community, as well as a variety of stakeholders in the university. She has a sincere appreciation for how important generating continued support for Tusculum is in the lives of so many students. She enjoys utilizing her fundraising knowledge and skills to provide leadership to a team of likeminded members.
Kim is a double degree holder of Tusculum University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management in 1999 and a Master’s in Education, Talent Development in 2019. She is a member of First Baptist Church, Greeneville. Prior to pursuing employment at Tusculum, she was privileged to work at JTEKT Automotive in Morristown as an accountant.
She is a mother of two with whom she is most happy spending every extra moment with while they live the country life.