Career Management

Student Learning Outcome 1: Career Management

Students will analyze and compare career options for a chosen field of study.

According to NACE, career management is the ability to “identify and articulate” such components as “skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences”, which are important for specific positions and career goals (NACE, 2018, “Definitions” section). The process of examining any professional growth needs is also an important element of career readiness. Throughout this process, the individual examines strategies related to job/position opportunities and prepares for those desired positions. In addition to being prepared, a person who is successful in career management is aware of techniques for, and the necessity of, self-advocating for the desired opportunities as they arise (NACE, 2018).

OREN 105: Pioneer Ready

Career management, or at least the preparation for it, should not be the sole responsibility of the college student.

SLO 1 targets students enrolled in what is currently known as OREN 105: The Tusculum Experience. This course, required for all freshmen and transfer students, is currently designed to enable students to develop the academic and soft skills needed to successfully persist and complete college. As the QEP is implemented, this course will be identified as a “Pioneer Ready” course and career management will be added as a learning outcome.

Description of Learning Experience

Students enrolled in OREN 105 will complete an assignment that will ask them to evaluate their own career goals in light of specific career information provided by O-Net, Occupational Information Network.